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  • Writer's pictureKaren Lubben

What is a vacation?

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

I didn't get to go to school last week because my mom and dad went on a vacation. I don't know what that word means but it must be horrible. I know it's somewhere they go and they can't take me with them. That sounds like punishment to me. The other thing I know about vacation is that they get this big bag with wheels and put lots of their clothes and stuff in it. Then when they return they wash all the things in that big bag with wheels even though I LOVE the smell of it all. My mom also goes crazy cleaning the house before she leaves. She must have done something really bad to get this punishment. Sometimes just my mom and dad go and sometimes my boys go with them. This time my boy stayed home with me. He fed me and played with me but he works a lot so I was home alone with my sister most of the time. I really missed my mom and going to school. The other thing that make me think that vacation must be horrible is because when they come home, they are soooooo excited to see me!

The date is March 9, 2020 and my mom gave me a bath again yesterday so I would be smelling good for school today. My calendar was full today since I wasn't here last week. I had lots of kids to see. One of the best things to happen was the little human that had been bitten by a dog came down to read to me today. She was so brave and read me a great story and she wasn't scared of me at all! I heard more stories today than any other day. It was so awesome seeing my usual friends. They missed me as much as I missed them. They always ask my mom why I can't come to school everyday. Yeah mom, why can't I?

This was me after getting home today. I was really tired! I saw so many great little humans and I was really happy but I needed a long nap when I got home. This is my favorite spot to curl up and nap.

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